Service Members and Military Families Find Drive-Thru Support at the USO

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USO Kaiserslautern acknowledged military spouses in Germany with wellness spa bags on Military Spouse Appreciation Day this month.

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Life as a military spouse is never an easy one, but for many military spouses, the effects of COVID-19 have hit them particularly hard. There is no “work from home” option for a majority of military personnel, meaning that as their husbands or wives head off to work, many military spouses must tackle quarantine alone. If they are single parenting, especially during deployment, this can be even more challenging.

That’s why the USO honored military spouses this month on May 8, Military Spouse Appreciation Day, with drive-thru programs. Doing so not only acknowledged the resiliency and tenacity of MilSpouses – not just during a pandemic, but every day.

In Kaiserslautern, Germany, military spouses received a “thank you” for their sacrifices by joining a drive-thru lane on base. Here, they received wellness spa bags from USO Kaiserslautern – safely delivered through their car windows – filled with tea, face masks, candles and much more.

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